Welcome to Social Services MN

Socialservicesmn.org is an online resource center servicing the homeless and low income population in the twin cities. In some cases forms are included ready to use, or to guide one to further resources.

Listings are current as of June 1, 2018.


Listings are in no way guaranteed, or availability known. They have not been inspected by socialservicesmn.org. It is up the reader to contact all listings for further details and inspection.


Upon contacting a resource and you find the service you want is not available, we suggest you ask if they can direct you to other resources.

Further Information
  1. Contact the various agencies listed directly. They will tell you if you must reach them through the Coordinated Entry System.
  2. Hennipen County - 612-596-1300
  3. Ramsey County - 651-266-4444
  4. "Handbook of the Streets" Minneapolis and St. Paul editions available. Published by St. Stephen's Human Services, 2309 Nicollet Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55404