Damascus Way Reentry Center | 763-545-6558 | | | 5730 Olson Memorial Hwy. | No ratings yet | |
9 to 5 Beats Ten to Life | 651-247-8818 | | | | No ratings yet | |
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity | 651-207-1700 | | | 1954 University Ave. W. | No ratings yet | |
New Foundations, A PPL Progam | 651-771-7565 | | | | No ratings yet | |
St. Stephens Human Services | 612-874-0311 | | | 2309 Nicollet Ave. S. | No ratings yet | |
Salvation Army - Harbor Light Center | 612-767-3100 | | | 1010 Currie Ave. | 5/5 | |
HOPE Harbor | 1-612-659-0705 | | | 53 Glenwood Ave. | No ratings yet | |
Indian Neighborhood Club | 612-871-7412 | | | 1805 Portland Ave. S. | No ratings yet | |
Simpson Transitional Housing Program | 612-874-8683 | | | 2100 Pillsbury Ave. S. | No ratings yet | |
RS EDEN | 612-314-4600 | | www.rseden.org | 1931 West Broadway | No ratings yet | |
Women’s Community Housing, Inc. | 612-870-7781 | | | | No ratings yet | |
Theresa Living Center | 651-774-5594 | | | 917 Jessamine | No ratings yet | |
Alliance Apartments (RS Eden) | 612-630-3600 | | | 719 East 16th St. | No ratings yet | |
Christian Restoration | 612-481-6414 | | | | No ratings yet | |
Freedom Works | 612-522-9007 | | www.freedomworksmn.org | 3559 Penn Ave. N. | No ratings yet | |
Union Gospel Mission - St. Paul | 651-292-1721 | | | 435 E. University Ave. | No ratings yet | |
Evergreen Residence | 612-204-8406 | | | 177 Glenwood Ave. No. | No ratings yet | |
Minnesota Section 8 Housing Directory/HUD | 612-370-3000 | | | | No ratings yet | |
Minneapolis Public Housing Authority | 612-342-1400 | | | 1001 Washington Ave. | No ratings yet | |
Simpson Housing Services | 612-746-4887 | | | | No ratings yet | |