Assured Homes, LLC | 952-212-0911 | | | 2925 Lyndale Ave.N. | No ratings yet | |
Calvery Center Apts. | 763-546-4988 | | 7650 Golden Valley Rd. | | No ratings yet | |
Birmingham Townhouses | 952-854-8800 | | | 876 Birmingham | No ratings yet | |
Disability Linkage Line | 1-866-333-2466 | | | | No ratings yet | |
Henry Court | 1-651-645-7271 | | | 134-54 Western | No ratings yet | |
Kilkenny Court Apts. | 651-464-7300 | | | | No ratings yet | |
Seventh Landing (RS Eden) | 651-291-3842 | | | 1360 West 7th St. | No ratings yet | |
Jay Harris (social worker) | 612-543-543-0169 | | | | No ratings yet | |
Shelter and Care Progran, Metro Council | 651-602-1111 | | | | No ratings yet | |
Jolie McKenna - see Community Involvement Programs | | | | | No ratings yet | |
Accessible Space, Inc. | 651-645-7271 | | | 2550 University Ave. West | No ratings yet | |
Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) Housing Assistance | 1-866-333-2466. | | | | No ratings yet | |
Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) | 1-612-596-1300. | | | | No ratings yet | |
Access Ability | 612-331-5958 | | | 360 Hoover St. NE | No ratings yet | |
Metropolitan Center for Independent Living | 651-646-8342 | | | 530 Robert St. N. | No ratings yet | |
Retail Employees with Disabilities Initiative (REDI) | | | | | No ratings yet | |
L W Fraser Independent Living Project | 612-861-1688 | | | 10337 Lyndale Ave. | No ratings yet | |
Bloomington Supportive Housing NHHI/ASI | 1-651-639-9799 | | | 9500 Lyndale | No ratings yet | |
Tasks Unlimited | 612-871-3320 | | | 2419 Nicollet Ave. S. | No ratings yet | |
Catalpa Village | 651-639-9799. | | | 10100 Lyndale Ave. | No ratings yet | |